On the new album by the Aki Rissanen and Jussi Lehtonen Quartet with Dave Liebman, the past and the future are more closely intertwined than ever.
OZ058CD Aki Rissanen photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD Dave Liebman and Jori Huhtala 2 photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD Dave Liebman and Jori Huhtala photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD Jussi Lehtonen photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD Quartet 1 photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD Quartet2 VilleHyvo 776 nen KaiSinervo
OZ058CD Quartet 3 photo by Timo Huttunen
OZ058CD RissanenLehtonenQuartet photo Chris Konieczny
OZ058CD front
OZ1058LP 12x12
oz058cd onesheet Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman e 1
oz058cd text Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman e 1
oz058cd onesheet Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman d 1
oz058cd text Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman d 1
oz1058LP onesheet Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman e 1
oz1058LP onesheet Rissanen Lehtonen Liebman d 1