No Need for Words
These twelve instrumental pieces highlight the soundscape-character of Matura’s new approach. There is a lot of space and calmness in the compositions, which feel atmospheric and free – or, as Matura puts it, “cinemasque”. Rather than once again relying on his signature vintage-sound with plenty of references to the 60s and 70s, Matura was looking for more contemporary impulses this time. Taking Bon Iver as a cue, he spent two years studying the necessary technology. The music may not seem all that striking, but each new listen reveals more of its gentle beauty – Time on Earth may well be the perfect summary of Matura’s creative ambitions.
Roger Matura – Time On Earth
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Release: SW517CD
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Label: Songways
Release Date: 2021-10-22
Pressebereich: Pressebereich