
It has been more than 20 years since Gisle Torviks life changed for ever. He was just a normal teenager in Torvikbygd in the region of Hardanger, Norway, when he rummaged in the attic of his parents house in that typical mixture of boredom and curiosity and found an old Höfner acoustic guitar. His father offered to teach him some chords, but 18 year old Gisle had his own plan: “I always wanted to play solos, just like Mark Knopfler”. We are lucky he was such a stubborn young man as today we can count him amongst the best jazz guitarists in Skandinavia. And by the way, he did also learn to play some chords in the last 20 years.
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OZ051CD Gisle video1 Nils Kjetil Torvik
OZ051CD Gisle video2 Nils Kjetil Torvik
OZ051CD Gisle video3 Nils Kjetil Torvik
OZ051CD Gisle video4 Nils Kjetil Torvik
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oz051cd onesheet Gisle Torvig e 1
oz051cd text Gisle Torvig e 1
oz051cd onesheet Gisle Torvig d 1
oz051cd text Gisle Torvig d 1
oz1051LP onesheet Gisle Torvig e 1
oz1051LP onesheet Gisle Torvig d 1